Monday, June 15, 2020

The Role of youth in the development of India

Today's children are tomorrow's citizens.
 Jawaharlal Nehru
Youths are the power of a nation. They can change the whole structure of a country by their immense power. As we all know that a good seed makes a good crop or a fruit or a tree; in the same way if the youths or the younger generations of a country are good then automatically the nation will be developed. In order to develop the nation youth must be encouraged and supported to participate in all kinds of aspects like politics, education, social service. I think youth should participate in politics because youths with their fresh minds can bring many new and innovative ideas which can change the nation economically and socially. Youth is a spark which does not need any ignition, they just need motivation.
India is a vast country whose population is increasing day by day and it is becoming a burning problem for India and it is been said that after few years India will reach on the top in case of population. Only government can not eradicate this problem, the youth will have to involve in it; they will have to create awareness among the people by holding seminars and awareness programs in different public places. They will have to invoke the terror of increase in population.

Corruption can also prove to be a major deterrent in a country's progress. The policies and plans of the government, the hopes and aspirations of the people can all go to vain of corruption persists. Rampant corruption can also discourage many to opt for any new job or start a new venture realising the inherent embedded corruption. However, the youths can stop the continuation of corruption to occur in the country. They should raise their voice instead of bribing and encouraging it to further take place. They can protest and file petitions to stop it. Social media now a days is also becoming a popular platform where such protests can be carried on. If the youths of India focus on nurturing their own creativity and talent then there will not be a situation where one needs to assort to corruption for his or her carrer.
Not only population and corruption but the youth will have to make India develop in the field of education. Because only proper education can transform India from developing to developed. India is a huge country and every crook and cranny of the country should be developed through education. The youth will have to through the light of education in every bleak corner where people are yet to see a school. Alongwith educating themselves the youth should also educate those who are getting deprived of education from their childhood due to the necessities of the constrictions of poverty and  societal barriers. According to Nelson Mandela, Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. If the youths can inherit this saying of this prominent international figure then definitely they can become the game changers.
   The youth will also have to  work to remove the superstitious old customs which are still overshadowing the whole India even in this era of advanced technological growth. Today in 21st Century also where scientific development is increasing, people still believe that if a snake bites a man then that man will be saved by some tantricks; breaking of a mirror can bring a bad omen; if a black cat croses one's way then he or she will step back or wait for a while considering it as a bad luck or a sign of imminent danger; hanging lemon and chillies infront of shops, in cars or other vehicles; not to sweep the houses after the sunset; cutting nails on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. Youth of the nation will have to try to remove these superstitions and old age customs by questioning them, by proving them scientifically, by making people aware about the actual reasons behind those beliefs and practices. Youths are like clay which can be moulded. So, if the youths can mould themselves for good things, can direct their interests in creative outputs and positive outlook then definitely our nation will scale laudable heights.

                                                           -Dipak Bora


  1. Great article
    Youths are indeed the future powerhouse of our society.Their voice matters a lot. Beautifully expressed.
    Keep blogging

  2. Well written. Keep revealing your thoughts ..

  3. Considering India as the youngest nation, the youths are the real Power of development. Beautifully explained. Keep writing 👌👌

  4. Well written and totally agree with you..

  5. Can't agree with you more..
    Beautifully written

  6. Fully agree with you Dipak. Keep writing.

  7. You have got good skill of writing. Hoping to see many more articles from you in near future.
