Sunday, April 5, 2020

Who we have become?

Hey sickening buddies, wake up!
Do not let the hearts die like the rotten minds,
Do not be a contributor to the collapsing humanity.

Disgustful, disturbing scenes are snatching and robbing the sleep away, 
Haziness and artificiality in love towards their look alikes, towards nature.

Decaying minds are carried away by the global waves, 
Engagements are uncontrollable with the non-livings.
 Have you stopped talking and listening?

Manifestations of artificial desires are floating everywhere,
Lives are ending in smokes, hopes are ending in dreams!
Wait! when did you last dream?

Flowers wither from your ignorance, and the trees are all alone.
Congratulations! A wall is made… between men and its teacher.
We are falling like the leaves,
Our thoughts engulfed by lies, counterfeits and originality diminish;
We are distanced from ourselves
Bewildered humanity is heading towards uncertainty.
                                 -Dipak Bora.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much☺️.
      Can I know your name?as it is appearing as unknown

  2. 👍 Emotions towards humanity is reflecting in each lines. Keep going.

  3. Very deep lines... reflecting the reality of life.... Nice

  4. Sir, loved your poem to the deepest corner of my heart..... you're an inspiration for me now, I too tried blogging but couldn't find a suitable platform to start off.

  5. How am I supposed to contact you sir?

  6. Ok sir, when should I come to you?
